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Ian Kranz
Software Engineer

My Projects

A phone with dewdayte pulled up


Built with React using Next.js, dewdayte is a web app for tracking your tasks. Not only is it an awesome example of a full-stack application, it's a great way to stay organized and get things done.

A screenshot of a website

Startup Niche Factor

A website for rating startups. The application is driven by a Postgres database and Django backend. The front-end was created with React.

A hand-drawn graphic of a cartoon pig

The funnymaker

This web app takes your name as input and fetches a unique funny sentence for you. Front end app created with Vue.js and backend using Django and a PostgreSQL database.

A filled Sudoku board

Sudoku Checker

A simple web page that allows the user to enter a sudoku solution and will check the validity of the solution. Build using plain HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.