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Ian Kranz
Software Engineer


Thank you for visiting my site, a place where you can learn more about me, both personally and professionally. You can get a good idea of where I am at in my career by looking at my résumé.

View my résumé

If you're looking to get a more hollistic view, the About and Projects sections provide some info about things I do outside of work. Just looking to browse? Below is a list of some of my recent endevours that I update semi-regularly.

I hope you find what you're looking for! Please feel free to reach out with any questions via the contact info on my résumé.

Recent activity

A picture of a man in a collared shirt

New career update

I just recently started in a new software engineering role. You can see more on my LinkedIn page!

Arns the pig saying you had me at toe fungus

More Projects Added

You can now see more of the software projects that I've built by heading over to the projects section.